zondag 7 april 2013

nieuwe releases week 15 (8 apr - 14 apr 2013)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #75: The Sea Queen Escapes!, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Goodman Games

Dungeons of Dread S Series, AD&D, Wizards of the Coast

In Frozen Twilight, Hellas, Khepera Publishing

Immortal Memory, Hellas, Khepera Publishing

Swords and Sandals, Hellas, Khepera Publishing

Threads of Fate, Hellas, Khepera Publishing

The Mall of Doom, Mutant Epoch, Outland Arts

Advanced Adventures #27: Bitteroot Briar, OSRIC, Expeditious Retreat Press

Print on demand via DriveThruRPG of lulu.com en bij de betere (web)winkel:

The House of Bone & Amber, Spears of the Dawn, Sine Nomine Publishing

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